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Bernadette is a multi-generational communicator who can tailor a message to achieve results and maintain attention as an outstanding facilitator. Bernadette has extensive experience in diverse stakeholder engagement, from culturally diverse groups, executive boards and contract management. Bernadette has been a National Sales Manager, State operations Manager and currently manages two successful businesses. Bernadette has expert relationship building skills and an enthusiastic ‘can do’ attitude that thrives on challenges. She consistently applies skills in thinking outside of the usual parameters to meet clients’ needs and ensure excellence.

Bern has worked in education for the last 15 years, she currently manages a two-year contract with the Australian Army focused on educating new Indigenous army recruits. She also received State funding from NSW department of Industry to become an NDIS provider of Indigenous disability support services. Bern believes that the right targeted training which is focused on cultural competence throughout an organisation and improved capabilities of individuals can truly make a difference.

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